Email marketing, just like SEO, is one of the most important factors for a successful business. The two often go hand in hand, but to get the best results, you need to know how each works and why it needs to be used. Follow this article for an introduction to email marketing and SEO.
How do Email Marketing and SEO work together?
When email marketing and seo work together properly, they’re like peanut butter and jelly. Unmatched by any other internet marketing tactics, email and search are made for each other.
Email marketing is arguably the most effective and convenient way to reach your target audience. When done right, email marketing can be a powerful tool for lead generation and customer retention. But as with any marketing strategy, you need to create an effective strategy and then optimize it for search engines like Google or Bing.
Email marketing and SEO are very complementary. You can use email to let people know when new content is published. When people click the link in your email, they will be taken directly to the content on your website. This can help boost traffic and gain new converts for your business. This is why you need to integrate your email marketing strategy with SEO best practices. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
- When sending an email campaign, ensure that the subject line is SEO friendly. This means it should be short and contain relevant keywords about your business or products/services.
- Include links in your emails so people can easily click through from their inboxes to visit your website.
- Make sure the link is easy to find. Don’t bury it in your email copy or make it too small, as this will only frustrate users and cause them to abandon their journey with you.
- Include a call-to-action at the end of your emails that prompts people to click through to your website. This can be something simple like “Click here for more information!”
- If possible, include an image in each email that links directly to your website so viewers can easily click through from their inboxes.
- Create great content in your emails that people want to share. This can increase traffic to your site, a good seo indicator and potentially have others subscribe to your list.
- When the link in your email includes content like a blog post, if they click on it to read the article, they will stay on your site longer, another seo signal to improve your rankings.
- Make sure you include social media links in your email marketing so people can share on their platforms.
If you’d like help in figuring out how to have your email marketing and seo work together, reach out via phone, text or email.

Owner of, Patti Muldoon helps small business succeed online with digital marketing strategies, including website design, SEO, email marketing and social media.